Koester - de Jongh, Bergeyron photo albums

Photo albums attributed to (A) Adèle Honorine Johanna Pétronille Bergeyron (1822-1894;daughter of Honoré Louis , Merchant and Dutch Consul in Cette (Sète), France and Anna Maria Klamberg) and (B) her niece Carolina (Carry) Koester - de Jongh   (* 1846), daughter of Coenraad Alexander and Augusta Carolina Gehne.

Photographs reproduced with kind permission of Michel Lanneau, the owner of the albums, who was also very helpful in providing information on his side of the family. I also like to thank Hendrik Booraem for his comments on his and the Lienau family.

I am interested to learn if your family or relations are in these albums or even better when you can shed further light on the identity of the persons portraited.

Album A (Click here to open in own window >>>)
Album B ((Click here to open in own window >>>)

CK engraved on coppershield

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