Source: FAFdJ (family archive Felix de Jongh now in the Dutch National Archive)

Explanation: Letters written in French dated 27 October 19from Dutch army commander the Duke Charles Bernhard van Saksen (Saxen)-Weimar-Eisennacht to Coenraad Alexander de Jongh. The letter is a condolence regarding the death of his stepmother A.A. De Jongh-Weerts on the 22nd of that month. Apperently he was allowed a home visit as she was gravely ill but when he arrived in Rotterdam on the 24th she had already died. He must have reported this to his superieur. For background on the letters from the Duke in the family archive click here .

My attempt of a free English translation with help of a French friend is added in square brackets [ ]


[page 1]
1		Eijndhoven le 27 octobre 1832
		[Eindhoven October 27 1832]


	C'est avec bien de la peine que j'apprends par 
	[It with great sorrow that I learned from]

	votre honorée en date du 24 d'oct. que vos craintes en partant d'ici
	[your honoured  [letter] dated 24 of October that your fears expressed here when you left]

5	n'étaient que trop fondées et qu'à  votre arrivée à Rotterdam votre
	[were only too well founded and that on arrival at Rotterdam your]

	respectable mêre avait déjà rendu le dernier soupir.
	[respectable mother had already died].

	Ayant eu le malheur de perdre en peu de temps mes deux parents
	[Having had the misfortune to lose in a short period of time both my parents]

	je suis en état d'apprécier votre triste douleur et je sais qu'il 
	[I am able to appreciate your sad pain and I know that]

	n'y aura que le temps et les consolations que la réligion nous
	[only time and the consolations that religion]

10	offre qui pouvront la rendre supportable.
	[offers may make it bearable]

	En vous temoignant ma reconnaissance pour l'attention que vous
	[In your account I recognise the attention that you] 

	avez eu de me faire part de ce triste évênement. Je vous réitère
	[must have had to convey to me of this sad event. I reiterate]  

	monsieur l'assurance de ma parfaite considération.
	[Sir the assurance of my perfect consideration.]

								Van Saxen Weimar

	Monsieur C.A. de Jongh 
	Chevalier de l'ordre de Guillaume, Officier d'ordonance 
	du Général-Major b[a]r[on] Des Tombes à 

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